Get transportation in the North Fork Valley for:
- medical appointments.
- shopping.
- attending programs.
- any other local transportation need.
At this time we can provide transportation between the communities of the North Fork Valley and to Delta. We also do our best, but can't guarantee, to get folks to Grand Junction or Montrose for medical appointments or emergencies.
Call Neighborly Rides: (970) 527-1735
Rides need to be scheduled in advance.
To request a ride, call Neighborly Rides Request Line: 970-527-1735. One week advance time is best. We will try to accommodate requests for more immediate service, but no guarantees.
The scheduler will enter the ride request into our program and drivers will be notified of the request. An email confirmation will be sent to you when a driver accepts the request and again the day before as a reminder.
The Neighborly Rides program is a free service of NF Senior Connections.
Volunteer Drivers are Needed
Become a volunteer driver and help local seniors thrive!
Start by downloading the Volunteer Driver Application
(We may run a criminal background check on potential drivers.)